Thursday, June 26, 2008


Summertime and the bloggin aint easy...neither is the painting scene and I find myself avoiding painting altogether. I usually paint at work once I do everything I have to do but in the summer when sales start to fall off, I lose my joie de vie, my mojo, and I tend to find more chores to occupy me or chat up the customers a little bit more. Today was nice because little ole Sister Wilma with the very deep voice came in with a project and upon seeing me declared that she had, once again, locked her keys in her car. I completed her project (which consisted of fitting one of her paintings into a frame that she bought at Target, she was amazed that I figured it out) and as I was working on said project we tried to figure out what she should do about her keys. She called the Mother House and asked the nice new sister candidate, Anita, if she could find her spare set of keys and drive them to the frame shop. Of course, Anita said yes and then we waited. Oh and worried if Anita would be able to find the place.

I asked Sister Wilma what it was like living where she lived and she told me some of the new prospects, which apparently are far and few nowadays, but nonetheless all seem to be musically inclined and their guitar playing and singing travels throughout the whole house. They do have a tv and all of them watch the news but some of the sisters like CSI and Law and Order and Sister Wilma will go then and play cards or attempt the ongoing puzzle until it's time to go to bed (around 9:30). We talk about Sister Wilma's art and how one of the sister's is pushing her to raise her prices but she decides she'll put up a fight next time it comes up and all of a sudden, Anita is there. I can't tell if she's older or younger than me even though her hair is springing greys everywhere. We go outside and discover that Sister Wilma's car has been running the whole time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im glad your talking to a sister nun..theres always something to learn its best to do it first hand g muff the interviewer