Sunday, February 17, 2008

spare bedroom

this is done by my friend geoff cornwell, it's supposed to be me, the crow woman...
it's a little glarey, i apologize, trying to figure out how to properly use my camera!

this fun bunch is by my sister, Marty, i'll be posting more of her's later

and this is by my friend steve copeland. i couldnt get a straight shot of it but you can kind of get the idea...

these ballerina paintings are by artist unknown, who i have a couple of other paintings by, all found in an antique store for 10 bucks a shot, aren't they fun?!

Let me know what you think!


High Desert Diva said...

You've got a cool collection of painting started for this room. Very fun!

Anonymous said...

i sleep in this room i wasnt afraid ..g.muff

Anonymous said...

yes the worst kind of fun...try it when you first wake up..the crazy quilt is the only thing that can save you..g. muff

3crows said...

i've never slept in there, but i always thought it was a PEACEFULLLL room...